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Abd Elkreem, Tamer |
The Forces of Development: Implementation and Resistance. The case of Dam Construction in Nubian Homeland, Sudan |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Beck |
Abdalla, Salma |
Coping with Water Scarcity: The Role of Zakat Institutions in Water Distribution in Khartoum |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn |
Abdel Rahman, Abu Baker |
Perceptions of Causes, Treatment Practices and Stigmatization of Female Infertility in Tamboul Town - Sudan |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Beck |
Abdulkadir, Sheriff Abdullahi |
Loanwords in Kanuri: A Descriptive Analysis |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Owens |
Abou Moumouni, Issifou |
L'Etat béninois et les alternatives locales autour de l'offre des services de sécurité civile au Nord-Bénin |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber |
Ahmed, Azza |
Place Identity and Urban Planning, the case of Tuti Island, Khartoum, Sudan |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Beck |
Ahr, Christina |
"Bugaje" - Zur sozialen Organisation Kultureller Unterschiede im ländlichen Hausamilieu (Niger) |
Dissertation |
Prof. eremit. Dr. Gerd Spittler |
Alemu, Girum |
Localized Adaptation to Climate Change: Pastoral Agency under Changing Environments in Dry Land Parts of Upper Awash Valley, Ethiopia |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn |
Alisch, Stefanie |
Mais carga! - Pleasure politics & aesthetic duelling in kuduro music and dance |
Dissertation |
Dr. Ulf Vierke |
Araújo, Paulo Jeferson |
Domínios conceituais das construções locativas, existenciais, comitativas e possessivas em línguas bantas |
Dissertation |
Dr. Manfred von Roncador |
Arndt, Lotte |
Afrikanische Diasporazeitschriften als Spiegel und Forum postkolonialer Diskursstrategien |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler |
Arthur, Justice |
'Between belonging and rejection': The relationship of Charismatic churches in Ghana with African traditional cultures |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Berner |
Assemboni, Obi |
Littérature et pensée postnationales: Le thème de la violence dans les Trilogies de Hans Christoph Buch et de Nuruddin Farah |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. János Riesz |
Ayong, Ahmed |
Traditional Islamic Scholarly Culture in Northern Cameroun in the 20th Century |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann |
Baas, Renzo |
Fictional Representations of Space in Namibia in Selected German and South African Novels: An Investigation of 3 Colonial and 3 Apartheid Novels |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt |
Babo, Michael |
Das Klein- und Mittelunternehmertum in Südafrika nach dem Ende der Apartheid Entstehung und Entwicklungspotentiale des nichtweißen Unternehmertums |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Dieter Fricke |
Badi, Dida |
Récits d’origine et de fondation des communautés nomades et sédentaires du Tassili n Azjer |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Georg Klute |
Baiyewu, Timothy |
The transformation of Aladura Christianity in Nigeria |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Berner |
Bakhit, Mohamed |
Identity Formation in multi-ethnic Shantytowns: a case study of Elbaraka area in Khartoum |
Dissertation |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Beck |
Bakpa, Mimboabe |
Etude du ngbem, parler gangam de Koumongou. Description et analyse comparative |
Dissertation |
Dr. Manfred von Roncador |